Selected Technical Reports
Journal Preprints and USNO Technical Notes
- Efroimsky, M. 2002a, "Implicit Gauge Symmetry Emerging in the N-body Problem of Celestial Mechanics," preprint arXiv:astro-ph/0212245
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- Efroimsky, M. 2008, "The Theory of Bodily Tides. The Models and the Physics," preprint arXiv:astro-ph/0605521
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- Efroimsky, M. 2011a, "Can the Tidal Quality Factors of Terrestrial Planets and Moons Scale as Positive Powers of the Tidal Frequency?" preprint arXiv:0712.1056v8
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- Efroimsky, M. 2011b, "Bodily Tides Near Spin-Orbit Resonances," preprint 2011arXiv1105.6086E
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- Efroimsky, M. 2011c, "Tidal Dissipation Compared to Seismic Dissipation: in Small Bodies, in Earths, and in Superearths," submitted to Astrophys. J., 2011arXiv1105.3936E
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- Kaplan, G.H. 2003, "Another Look at Non-Rotating Origins", Highlights of Astron., 13, 612-613
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- Kaplan, G.H. 2005a, "Celestial Pole Offsets: Conversion from (dX,dY) to (dpsi, deps)", U.S. Naval Observatory technical note.
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- Kaplan, G.H. 2005b, "The IAU Resolutions on Astronomical Reference Systems, Time Scales, and Earth Rotation Models : Explanation and Implementation," U.S. Naval Observatory, Circular, No. 179
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- Kaplan, G.H., Bangert, J.A., Bartlett, J.L., Puatua, W.K., & Monet, A.K.B. 2009, "User's Guide to NOVAS 3.0", U.S. Naval Observatory Circular, No. 180
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- Kaplan, G.H. 2009, "Nutation Series Evaluation in NOVAS 3.0", U.S. Naval Observatory Circular, No. 181
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- Lukac, M.R. & Miller, R.J. 2000, "List of Active Professional Observatories," U.S. Naval Observatory, Circular, No. 178
- Murison, M.A. 1997, "Analytical Study of Optical Wavefront Aberrations Using Maple," preprint, arXiv:astro-ph/9710180v1
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- Taylor, D.B., Bell, S.A. Hilton, J.L., Sinclair, & A.T. 2010, "Computation of the Quantities Describing the Lunar Librations in The Astronomical Almanac," H.M. Nautical Almanac Office, NAO Tech. Note,
No. 74 PDF (184KB)
- Kopeikin, S, Efroimsky, M., & Kaplan, G. 2011, Relativistic Celestial Mechanics of the Solar System, (Berlin: Wiley-VCH), 892 pp.
- Liu Baolin & Fiala, A.D. 1992, Canon of Lunar Eclipses, 1500 B.C. - A.D. 3000, (Richmond, VA Willmann-Bell), 221 pp.
- Urban, S.E. & Seidelman, P.K. ed. 2013, Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical Almanac, Third Edition, (Mill Valley, CA: University Science Books), 676 pp.
Journal Reprints
The text of technical papers that have been published by a
journal cannot always be provided online because the journal publisher,
in many cases, retains the copyright. Subject to availability, paper
reprints of the following papers (single copies without charge) can be
obtained by e-mailing a request to Be sure to include a complete mailing
- Archinal, B.A., A'Hearn, M.F., Bowell, E., Conrad, A., Consolmagno, G.J., Courtin, R., Fukushima, T., Hestroffer, D., Hilton, J.L., Krasinsky, G.A., Neumann, G., Oberst, J., Seidelmann, P.K., Stooke, P., Tholen, D.J., Thomas, P.C., & Williams, I.P. 2011, "Report of the IAU Working Group on Cartographic Coordinates and Rotational Elements: 2009," Celest. Mech., 109, 101-135
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- Archinal, B.A., A'Hearn, M.F., Conrad, A., Consolmagno, G.J., Courtin, R., Fukushima, T., Hestroffer, D., Hilton, J.L., Krasinsky, G.A., Neumann, G., Oberst, J., Seidelmann, P.K., Stooke, P., Tholen, D.J., Thomas, P.C., & Williams, I.P. 2011, "Erratum to: Reports of the IAU Working Group on Cartographic Coordinates and Rotational Elements: 2006 & 2009," Celest. Mech., 110, 401-403
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- Bangert, J.A. 1999a, "The Astronomical Applications Department Today," in Proceedings: Nautical Almanac Office Sesquicentennial Symposium, A.D. Fiala & S.J. Dick, eds., (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Naval Observatory), 227-238
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- Bangert, J.A. 1999b, "The Future of Almanac Data in the United States," in Proceedings: Nautical Almanac Office Sesquicentennial Symposium, A.D. Fiala & S.J. Dick, eds., (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Naval Observatory), 405-413
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- Bangert, J. 2002, "Implementing the IAU 2000 Resolutions in Almanacs," in Proceedings of the IERS Workshop on the Implementation of the New IAU Resolutions (IERS Technical Note No. 29), N. Capitaine, D. Gambis, D.D. McCarthy, G. Petit, J. Ray, B. Richter, M. Rothacher, M. Standish, & Jan Vondrak, (Frankfurt am Main: Verlag des Bundesamts für Kartographie und Geodäsie, 53-60
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- Behr, B.B., Hajian, A.R., Cenko, A.T., Murison, M., McMillan, R.S., Hindsley, R.,. & Meade, J. 2009, "Stellar Astrophysics with a Dispersed Fourier Transform Spectrograph. I. Instrument Description and Orbits of Single-lined Spectroscopic Binaries," Astrophys. J., 705, 543-553
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- Boboltz, D.A., Fey, A.L., Puatua, W.K., Zacharias, N., Claussen, M.J., Johnston, K.J., & Gaume, R.A. 2007, "Very Large Array Plus Pie Town Astrometry of 46 Radio Stars," Astron J., 133, 906-916
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- Capitaine, N., Hohenkerk, C., Andrei, A.H., Calabretta, M., Dehant, V., Fukushima, T., Guinot, B., Kaplan, G., Klioner, S., Kovalevsky, J., Kumkova, I., Ma, C., McCarthy, D.D., Seidelmann, P.K., & Wallace, P. 2005, "Report of the IAU Division I Working Group on 'Nomenclature for Fundamental Astronomy' (NFA)," in Proceedings: Journées 2004 Systèmes de référence spatio - temporels, N. Capitaine (ed.), (Paris: Observatoire de Paris), 161-165
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- Capitaine, N., Hohenkerk, C., Andrei, A.H., Calabretta, M., Dehant, V., Fukushima, T., Guinot, B., Kaplan, G., Klioner, S., Kovalevsky, J., Kumkova, I., Ma, C., McCarthy, D.D., Seidelmann, P.K., & Wallace, P. 2006, "Latest Proposals of the IAU Division I Working Group on 'Nomenclature for Fundamental Astronomy'," in Proceedings: Journées 2005 Systèmes de référence spatio - temporels, A. Brzezinski, N. Capitaine, & B. Kolaczek (eds.), (Paris: Observatoire de Paris), 143-146
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- Castillo-Rogez, J.C., Efroimsky, M., & Lainey, V. 2011, "The Tidal History of Iapetus: Spin Dynamics in the Light of a Refined Dissipation Model," J. Geophys. Res., 116, CiteID E09008
- Chambers, J.E. & Murison, M.A. 2000, "Pseudo-High-Order Symplectic Integrators," Astron. J., 119, 425-433
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- Doggett, L.E. & Schaefer, B.E. 1994, "Lunar Crescent Visibility," Icarus, 107, 388-403
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- Eckermann, S.D., Broutman, D., Stollberg, M.T., Ma, J., McCormack, J.P., & Hogan, T.F. 2007, "Atmospheric Effects of the Total Solar Eclipse of 4 December 2002 Simulated with a High-Altitude Global Model," J. of Geophys. Res., 112, D14105
- Efroimsky, M. 2002b, "Mechanical Alignment of Suprathermal Paramagnetic Cosmic-Dust Granules: The Cross Section Mechanism," Astrophys. J., 575, 886-899
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- Efroimsky, M. 2005a, "Gauge Freedom in Orbital Mechanics," Annals New York Acad. Sci., 1065, 346-374
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- Efroimsky, M. 2005b, "On the Theory of Canonical Perturbations and Its Applications to Earth Rotation: A Source of Inaccuracy in the Calculation of Angular Velocity," in Journées 2004 - Systèmes de référence spatio-temporels, N. Capitaine ed., (Paris: Observatoire de Paris) 74 - 81
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- Efroimsky, M. 2005c, "Long-Term Evolution of Orbits About A Precessing Oblate Planet: 1. The Case of Uniform Precession," Celest. Mech., 91, 75-108
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- Efroimsky, M. 2006a, "Gauge Freedom in Astrodynamics," in Modern Astrodynamics, P. Gurfil, ed. (London: Butterworth-Heinemann), 23-52
- Efroimsky, M. 2006b, "Long-Term Evolution of Orbits About a Precessing Oblate Planet. 2. The Case of Variable Precession," Celest. Mech., 96, 259-288
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- Efroimsky, M. & Escapa, A. 2007, "The Theory of Canonical Perturbations Applied to Attitude Dynamics and to the Earth Rotation. Osculating and Nonosculating Andoyer Variables," Celest. Mech., 98, 251-283
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- Efroimsky, M. & Goldreich, P. 2003, "Gauge Symmetry of the N-Body Problem in the Hamilton-Jacobi Approach," J. Math. Phys., 44, 5958-5977
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- Efroimsky, M. & Goldreich, P. 2004, "Gauge Freedom in the N-body Problem of Celestial Mechanics," Astron. Astrophys., 415, 1187-1199
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- Efroimsky, M. & Lainey, V. 2007a, "Physics of Bodily Tides in Terrestrial Planets and the Appropriate Scales of Dynamical Evolution," J. Geophys. Res., 112, CiteID E12003
- Efroimsky, M. & Lainey, V. 2007b, "On the Theory of Bodily Tides,"in New Trends in Astrodynamics and Applications III. AIP Conference Proceedings, 886, 131-138
- Efroimsky, M., & Williams, J.G. 2009, "Tidal Torques: A Critical Review of Some Techniques," Celest. Mech., 104, 257-289
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- Fiala, A.D. 1999, "The Evolution of the Products of the Nautical Almanac Office," in Proceedings: Nautical Almanac Office Sesquicentennial Symposium, A.D. Fiala & S.J. Dick, eds., (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Naval Observatory), 203
- Fiala, A.D., Bangert, J.A., & Bell, S.A. 2013, "Eclipses of the Sun and Moon," in Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical Almanac, S.E. Urban & P.K. Seidelmann ed., (Mill Valley, CA: University Science Books), 453-503
- Fiala, A.D., Dunham, D.W., & Sofia, S. 1994, "Variation of the solar diameter from solar eclipse observations, 1715-1991," Solar Phys., 152, 97-104
- Gurfil, P., Elipe, A., Tangren, W., & Efroimsky, M. 2007a, "The Serret-Andoyer Formalism in Rigid-Body Dynamics: I. Symmetries and Perturbations," Regular Chaotic Dynamics, 12, 389-425
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- Gurfil, P., Lainey, V., & Efroimsky, M. 2007b, "Long-term Evolution of Orbits About a Precessing Oblate Planet: 3. A Semianalytical and a Purely Numerical Approach," Celest. Mech., 99, 261-292
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- Hajian, A.R., Behr, B.B., Cenko, A,T., Olling, R.P., Mozurkewich, D., Armstrong, J.T., Pohl, B., Petrossian, S., Knuth, K.H., Hindsley, R.B., Murison, M., Efroimsky, M., Dantowitz, R., Kozubal, M., Currie, Douglas G., Nordgren, T.E., Tycner, C., McMillan, R.S. 2007, "Initial Results from the USNO Dispersed Fourier Transform Spectrograph," Astrophys. J., 661, 616-633
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- Hilton, J.L. 1991, "The Motion of Mars' Pole. I - Rigid Body Precession and Nutation," Astron. J., 102, 1510-1527
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- Hilton, J.L. 1992a, "The Motion of Mars' pole. II - The Effect of an Elastic Mantle and a Liquid Core," Astron. J., 103, 619-637
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- Hilton, J.L. 1992b, "Physical Ephemerides of the Solar System Bodies," in Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical Almanac, S.E. Urban & P.K. Seidelmann ed., (Mill Valley, CA: University Science Books), 399-451
- Hilton, J.L. 1997, "The Mass of the Asteroid 15 Eunomia From Observations of 1313 Berna and 1284 Latvia," Astron. J., 114, 402-408
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- Hilton, J.L. 1999a, "The Newcomb Project The Database of Solar System Observations," in Proceedings: Nautical Almanac Office Sesquicentennial Symposium, A.D. Fiala & S.J. Dick. (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Naval Observatory), 363
- Hilton, J.L. 1999b, "U.S. Naval Observatory Ephemerides of the Largest Asteroids," Astron. J., 117, 1077-1086
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- Hilton, J.L. 2002, "Asteroid Masses and Densities," in Asteroids III, W.F. Bottke, Jr., A. Cellino, P. Paolicchi, & R.P. Binzel, eds. (Tucson: U. of Arizona), 103-112
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- Hilton, J.L. 2005a, "Improving the Visual Magnitudes of the Planets in The Astronomical Almanac. I. Mercury and Venus," Astron. J., 129, 2902-2906
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- Hilton, J.L. 2005b, "Erratum: 'Improving the Visual Magnitudes of the Planets in The Astronomical Almanac. I. Mercury and Venus' (AJ, 129, 2902 [2005])," Astron. J., 130, 2928
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- Hilton, J.L. 2008, "Prospects for Improving the Masses of Minor Planets," in Journées Systèmes de référence spatio - temporels 2007, N. Capitaine ed., (Paris: Observatoire de Paris) 74
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- Hilton, J.L. 2013, "Physical Ephemerides of Solar System Bodies," in Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical Almanac, S.E. Urban & P.K. Seidelmann ed., (Mill Valley, CA: University Science Books), 399-451
- Hilton, J.L. & Hohenkerk, C.Y. 2004, "Rotation Matrix from the Mean Dynamical Equator and Equinox at J2000.0 to the ICRS," Astron. Astrophys., 413, 765-770
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- Hilton, J.L. & McCarthy, D.D. 2013, "Precession, Nutation, Polar Motion, and Earth Rotation," in Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical Almanac, S.E. Urban & P.K. Seidelmann ed., (Mill Valley, CA: University Science Books), 199-248
- Hilton, J.L. & Seidelmann, P.K. 1995, "The Asteroid Ephemerides Program at the U.S. Naval Observatory," Earth, Moon, and Planets, 71, 199-206
- Hilton, J.L., Seidelmann, P.K., & Liu Ciyuan 1992, "An Examination of the Change in the Earth's Rotation Rate from Ancient Chinese Observations of Lunar Occultations of the Planets," Astron. J., 104, 2250-2252
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- Hilton, J.L., Seidelmann, P.K., & Middour, J. 1996, "Prospects for Determining Asteroid Masses," Astron. J., 112, 2319
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- Hilton, J.L., Capitaine, N., Chapront, J., Ferrandiz, J.M., Fienga, A., Fukushima, T., Getino, J., Mathews, P., Simon, J.-L., Soffel, M., Vondrak, J., Wallace, P., & Williams, J. 2005, "Progress report of the International Astronomical Union Division I Working Group on Precession and the Ecliptic," in Journées Systèmes de référence spatio - temporels 2004 , N. Capitaine ed., (Paris: Observatoire de Paris), 55-60
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- Hilton, J.L., Capitaine, N., Chapront, J., Ferrandiz, J.M., Fienga, A., Fukushima, T., Getino, J., Mathews, P., Simon, J.-L., Soffel, M., Vondrak, J., Wallace, P., & Williams, J. 2006, "Report of the International Astronomical Union Division I Working Group on Precession and the Ecliptic," Celest. Mech., 94, 351-367
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- Hohenkerk, C.Y. & Hilton, J.L. 2011, "Time References in US and UK Astronomical and Navigational Almanacs," Metrologia, 48, S195-S199
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- Hughes, J.A., Kaplan, G.H., & Shao, M. 1991, "Design Considerations for the USNO Astrometric Optical Interferometer," Astrophys. Space Sci., 177, 151-159
- Janiczek, P.M. 1999, "A Brief Survey of Modern Navigation," in Proceedings: Nautical Almanac Office Sesquicentennial Symposium, A.D. Fiala & S.J. Dick eds., (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Naval Observatory), 179
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- Johnston, K. J., Dorland, B., Gaume, R., Hennessy, G., Olling, R., Zacharias, N., Behr, B., Efroimsky, M., Hajian, A., Harris, H., Hilton, J., Kaplan, G., Monet, D., Munn, J., Pier, J., Vrba, F., Seidelmann, K., Seager, S., Pravdo, S., Coste, K., Danner, R., Grillmair, C., Stauffer, J., Boss, A., Currie, D., Danchi, W., Gould, A., Kopeikin, S., Majewski, S., Makarov, V., McMillan, R., Peterson, D. M., Shaya, E., & Unwin, S. 2006, "The Origins Billions Star Survey: Galactic Explorer," Pub. Astron. Soc. Pac., 118, 1428-1442
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- Kammeyer, P.C., Fiala, A.D., & Seidelmann, P.K. 1991, "Improved Accuracies for Satellite Tracking," in NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Flight Mechanics/Estimation Theory Symposium, 285-297
- Kaplan, G.H. 1990, "Astrometric Interferometry - Can It Establish a Fundamental System?" in Inertial Coordinate Systems on the Sky, J.H. Lieske & V.K. Abalakin eds., 241-250
- Kaplan, G.H. 1995a, "Practical Sailing Formulas for Rhumb-Line Tracks on an Oblate Earth," Navigation, 42, 313-326
- Kaplan, G.H. 1995b, "Determining the Position and Motion of a Vessel from Celestial Observations," Navigation, 42, 631-648
- Kaplan, G. H. 1996a, "The Motion of the Observer in Celestial Navigation", Navigator's Newsletter, Issue 51 (Spring 1996), 10-14.
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- Kaplan, G.H. 1996b, "A Navigation Solution Involving Changes to Course and Speed," Navigation, 43, 469-482
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- Kaplan, G.H. 1998, "High-Precision Algorithms for Astrometry - A Comparison of Two Approaches," Astron. J., 115, 361
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- Kaplan, G.H. 1999, "New Technology for Celestial Navigation," in Proceedings: Nautical Almanac Office Sesquicentennial Symposium, A.D. Fiala & S.J. Dick, eds. (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Naval Observatory), 239
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- Kaplan, G.H. 2013, "The Fundamental Celestial Reference System," in Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical Almanac, S.E. Urban & P.K. Seidelmann ed., (Mill Valley, CA: University Science Books), 105-121
- Kaplan, G.H. & Makarov, V.V. 2003, "Astrometric Detection of Binary Companions and Planets: Acceleration of Proper Motion," Astronomische Nachrichten, 324, 419-424
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- Lukac, M.R.. 1992, "Related Publications," in Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical Almanac, P.K. Seidelmann ed., (Mill Velley, CA: University Science Books), 667-692,
- Luzum, B., Capitaine, N., Fienga, A., Folkner, W., Fukushima, T., Hilton, J., Hohenkerk, C., Krasinsky, G., Petit, G., Pitjeva, E., Soffel, M., & Wallace, P. 2008, "Current Status of the IAU Working Group for Numerical Standards of Fundamental Astronomy," in Journées Systèmes de Référence Spatio-temporels 2007, N, Capitaine, ed., (Paris: Observatoire de Paris), 55
- Luzum, B., Capitaine, N., Fienga, A., Folkner, W., Fukushima, T., Hilton, J., Hohenkerk, C., Krasinsky, G., Petit, G., Pitjeva, E., Soffel, M., & Wallace, P. 2011, "The IAU 2009 System of Astronomical Constants: The Report of the IAU Working Group on Numerical Standards for Fundamental Astronomy," Celest. Mech., 110, 293-304
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- Makarov, V.V. & Kaplan, G.H. 2005, "Statistical Constraints for Astrometric Binaries with Nonlinear Motion," Astron. J., 129, 2420-2427
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- Mason, B.D.., Hartkopf, W.I., Wycoff, G.L., Pascu, D., Urban, S.E., Hall, D.M., Hennessy, G.S., Rafferty, T.J., Flagg, L., Kang, D., Ries, P., & Holdenried, E. 2004a, "Speckle Interferometry at the US Naval Observatory. IX," Astron. J., 127, 539-548
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- Mason, B.D., Hartkopf, W.I., Wycoff, G.L., Rafferty, T.J., Urban, S.E., & Flagg, L. 2004b, "Speckle Interferometry at the US Naval Observatory. X," Astron. J., 128, 3012-3018
- McCutcheon, R.A., Doel, R.E., Devorkin, D.H., Dick, S.J., & Doggett, L. 1995, "Astronomy under the Soviets," J. Hist. Astron., 26, 279-368
- Murison, M.A. 1999, "Modeling Planetary Motions: Why We Care and How We Do It,"in Proceedings: Nautical Almanac Office Sesquicentennial Symposium, A.D. Fiala & S.J. Dick, eds. (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Naval Observatory), 377-395
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- Pascu, D., Panossian, S.P., Schmidt, R.E., Seidelmann, P.K., & Hershey, J.L. 1992, "B, V Photometry of Thebe (JXIV)," Icarus, 98, 38-42
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- Rohde, J.R. & Stollberg, M. & 2013, "Planetary Satellites and Rings," in Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical Almanac, S.E. Urban & P.K. Seidelmann ed., (Mill Valley, CA: University Science Books), 347-398
- Schaefer, B.E., Ahmad, I.A., & Doggett, L. 1993, "Records for Young Moon Sightings," Quarterly J. Royal Astron. Soc. , 34, 53-56
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- Shao, M., Colavita, M.M., Hines, B.E., Hershey, J.L., Hughes, J.A., Hutter, D.J., Kaplan, G.H., Johnston, K.J., Mozurkewich, D., Simon, R.S., & Pan, X.P. 1990, "Wide-Angle Astrometry with the Mark III Stellar Interferometer," Astron. J., 100, 1701-1711
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- Smith, C.A., Kaplan, G.H., Hughes, J.A., Seidelmann, P.K. Yallop, B.D., & Hohenkerk, C.Y., 1989, "Mean and Apparent Place Computations in the New IAU System. I. The Transformation of Astrometric Catalog Systems to the Equinox J2000.0," Astron. J., 97, 3043-3059, 274-60
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- Stewart, S.G. 1999, "Almanacs: The Users' Perspectives,"in Proceedings: Nautical Almanac Office Sesquicentennial Symposium, A.D. Fiala & S.J. Dick, eds. (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Naval Observatory), 255
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- Stewart, S.G. 2013, "Stars and Stellar Systems," in Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical Almanac, S.E. Urban & P.K. Seidelmann ed., (Mill Valley, CA: University Science Books), 529-554
- Stewart, S.G. & Walter, F. 2000, "Ultraviolet Observations of the Powering Source of the Supergiant Shell in IC 2574," Astron. J., 120, 1794-1800
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- Stewart, S.G., Fanelli, M.N., Byrd, G.G., Hill, J.K., Westpfahl, D.J., Cheng, Kwang-Ping, O'Connell, R.W., Roberts, M.S., Neff, S.G., Smith, A.M., & Stecher, T.P. 2000, "Star Formation Triggering Mechanisms in Dwarf Galaxies: The Far-Ultraviolet, Hα, and H I Morphology of Holmberg II," Astrophys. J., 529, 201-218
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- Urban, S.E., Zacharias, N., Wycoff, 2004, "The UCAC2 Bright Star Supplement (Urban+, 2006)," VizieR On-line Data Catalog: I/294A
- Weeks, J. 1992, "Historical Information," in Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical Almanac, P.K. Seidelmann ed., (Mill Valley, CA: University Science Books), 609-665
- Wycoff, G.L., Mason, B.D., & Urban, S.E. 2006, "Data Mining for Double Stars in Astrometric Catalogs," Astron. J., 132, 50-60
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- Yallop, B.D., Hohenkerk, C.Y., Smith, C.A., Kaplan, G.H., Hughes, J.A., & Seidelmann, P.K. 1989, "Mean and Apparent Place Computations in the New IAU System. II. Transformation of Mean Star Places from FK4 B1950.0 to FK5 J2000.0 Using Matrices in 6-Space," Astron. J., 97, 3043-3059, 274-60
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- Zacharias, N., Urban, S.E., Zacharias, M.I., Wycoff, G.L., Hall, D.M., Monet, D.G., & Rafferty, T.J. 2004, "The Second US Naval Observatory CCD Astrograph Catalog (UCAC2)," Astron. J., 127, 3043-3059, 50-60
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- Zacharias, N., Finch, C., Girard, T., Hambly, N., Wycoff, G., Zacharias, M.I., Castillo, D., Corbin, T., DiVittorio, M., Dutta, S., Gaume, R., Gauss, S., Germain, M., Hall, D., Hartkopf, W., Hsu, D., Holdenried, E., Makarov, V., Martinez, M., Mason, B., Monet, D., Rafferty, T., Rhodes, A., Siemers, T., Smith, D., Tilleman, T., Urban, S., Wieder, G., Winter, L., & Young, A. 2010, "The Third US Naval Observatory CCD Astrograph Catalog (UCAC3)," Astron. J., 139, 2184-2199
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