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Federal Holidays

In the United States, there are 11 federal holidays set by law. See U.S. Code Title 5 Section 6103. Holidays and Public Law 117-17.

Under current definitions, five are set by date:

New Year's DayJanuary 1
Juneteenth National Independence DayJune 19
Independence DayJuly 4
Veterans DayNovember 11
Christmas DayDecember 25

If any of the above fall on a Saturday, then Friday may be observed as a holiday by various institutions. Similarly, if one falls on a Sunday, then Monday may be observed as a holiday.

The other six are set by a day of the week and month:

Martin Luther King's BirthdayThird Monday in January
Washington's BirthdayThird Monday in February
Memorial DayLast Monday in May
Labor DayFirst Monday in September
Columbus DaySecond Monday in October
ThanksgivingFourth Thursday in November

Federal Holiday Table:

The table below displays day of the week for the first set of holidays, and a date for the second set. Also shown is General Election Day, which is the Tuesday after the first Monday in November.

New Year's Day Juneteenth National Independence Day Independence Day Veterans Day Christmas Day Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday Washington's Birthday Memorial Day Labor Day Columbus Day Thanksgiving Day Election Day
Jan 1Jun 19Jul 4Nov 11Dec 25 JanFebMaySep OctNovNov
2020Wed--Sat WedFri201725 712263
2021FriSatSun ThuSat181531 611252
2022SatSunMon FriSun172130 510248
2023SunMonTue SatMon162029 49237
2024MonWedThu MonWed151927 214285
2025WedThuFri TueThu201726 113274
2026ThuFriSat WedFri191625 712263
2027FriSatSun ThuSat181531 611252
2028SatMonTue SatMon172129 49237
2029MonTueWed SunTue151928 38226

-- Note: Juneteenth National Independence Day was initially declared a Federal Holiday in 2021.

Other Patriotic and National Observances:

For further information on other patriotic and national observances, see U.S. Code Title 36, Chapter 1: Patriotic and National Observances .